Saturday, June 28, 2008

Classes are done!

Well, I'm on my way to finishing my degree. On Sunday and today, I took the two one-hour credit geology field trips to finish out my bachelor's degree as a Bachelor of General Studies. All I have to do is take the quizzes online (I'll probably do that tomorrow) and score at least 60%, which should be pretty easy.

The classes were actually fun. Today's was a trip to sites across the northern part of the county, and it was interesting to learn about where I live. I'll probably look at everything differently now that I know more about the different types of rocks and minerals we have here and how and when they were formed. The previous trip was to a nearby reservoir. There we learned about some of the older types of rock formations and also stopped at the site of a sinkhole that has caused problems along the interstate over the years.

It really is pretty country, too. Everyone thinks Kansas is really flat, but those are the folks probably seeing it just from the interstate or the air. Get on the back roads, and there's some rugged, beautiful sites. One place we went to today was probably one of the highest points in the county. You could stand on the hill and see miles and miles of green hills and pastures and big, open sky.

After this, then what? I'm not entirely sure yet. Graduate school's still a possibility, but I need to find out some more info. I do need something different, though, because I just can't say I feel all that secure about my job. I'm almost certain that, at best, in three years my job won't be there. After all, who needs a page designer if there's just not as many pages to design? I really don't see newspapers the size I'm working at continuing to be published on a daily basis on paper. Online, sure, but you don't need a lot of people to put a Web site together, once it's there. So I guess I'm in search of something new. Just wish I knew what it was!

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