Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Feeling stronger

Today I had my final assessment with the exercise program through the cancer center, and I was kind of surprised. My resting heart rate is lower than when I started about six weeks ago, and I took an extra 30 seconds on the exercise bike to reach a target heart rate compared to the first assessment. Both mean my heart is pumping more blood with each beat, my trainer said. I also did better on the strength test, getting 2-4 more reps on the leg press and chest press. Not bad for just twice a week!

I've even been starting to exercise at home. I did strength training Saturday and Sunday, and got on the exercise bike tonight for 20 minutes. I probably won't get quite as good a strength training regimen at home as I could at the fitness center, but it's a lot cheaper to work out at home!

I have been having a lot of headaches lately, and that's been a bit of a concern. They feel like tension/stress headaches, and there has been a lot stress at work, but I just need to make sure it's not something else. I'm coming up on one year since the biopsy, and that's just had me thinking a lot lately. Someone from an online group I'm part of died recently after her breast cancer metastasized in her brain, and someone from my local support group is dealing with a recurrence right now, and I guess that's been on my mind lately. So I talked to my nurse about the headaches today, and she talked to the oncologist, who suggested we could schedule an MRI. They were pretty understanding about it. I rarely ask questions or have complaints, so maybe they thought if I had something to say, it must be serious! At the least, the MRI should relieve some anxiety.

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